Human Rights

A Sculpture Park

A Human Right Park

Who wouldn't dream of walking through a park while letting their eyes and hands run over a set
of sculptures and texts describing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights scene after scene?
Who wouldn't dream of taking their children there to get them informed while playing?
Who wouldn't dream of giving a class to their students there to make them aware of it in a fun way?
I dream about it.... Or rather, I dreamed of it...
Because now we will do it.

A meeting place

Just as the other parks of the Association Voir c'est Toucher, it will be a place for walks and exchange between visitors allowing communication without barriers of age, nationality, society.
However, the aim here is above all to make the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights more real.

The innovative concept

The future Human Rights Park will include 30 sculptures accompanied by the 30 original articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in print and Braille.
Along a linear route of approximately 500 meters, each station will be adapted to allow people in wheelchairs, the visually impaired and the blind to enjoy the works to the maximum.
Thanks to a playful and didactic approach, art becomes accessible to everyone, the aim here being to make everyone more precisely aware of the Declaration of Human Rights.

Swiss Realization

The Human Rights Park will be entirely built in Switzerland, designed and created by the artists Sara.H and DeLaPerouze in collaboration with the Perseo SA foundry, supported by the Association Voir c'est Toucher as well as by donors, honorary members and the population.

Exclusively financed by donations, the work will be offered to the host city.